Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Hour of CODE is coming!!!

The Hour of Code is coming the week of December 8-12th.  It is amazing! I tried it with my class last year, and they loved it. Hopefully there will be more computer scientists in the future because of this exciting campaign. Everyone should have experience with coding. Check it out HERE

Monday, September 1, 2014

Welcome Back!

Happy Labor Day! I hope you have enjoyed your weekend as much as I have. We were blessed with beautiful weather.

Last week, I had a wonderful time getting to know my new students and reconnecting with my former students. Thank you for all of your friendly greetings at Meet the Teacher. It was a pleasure to meet your families!

Homework will be to read every night (even on weekends!), complete two half-page reading responses (Please see the literacy homework sheet in your child's K.I.T. binder.), and three nights of math homework. We will go over math homework from the previous evening each day during math time. Please help your child remember to keep their math pages in their homework folder inside their K.I.T. binder. Spelling homework will be added shortly, which will include a differentiated word list especially for your child.

If you have questions about any of the homework please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for encouraging your child to do their best and accept responsibility for completing their homework. Your positive feedback is powerful!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Reach for the Stars!

With summer on the horizon, it is easy to slip into bad habits. Make sure that reading every day is a good habit that you and your children keep! Instilling an independent reading time at least 20 minutes per day (I say 30 minutes!) will ensure that you have a quiet break and that your kids are focused on getting better at reading. They might fuss and complain at first (Believe me. I know.), but pretty soon they will expect the time and look forward to it. Kids like routine. Make reading a routine in your home. Happy reading!