Sunday, October 21, 2012

We have new books!

Our grant for new books from was funded several weeks ago! Our new books have arrived! It did not take long for every student in our class to dive right in to a new book. The kids helped me unpack the box and explore the contents. We have already read a few books as a whole group, and most students have had a chance to read one independently. 

We know that reading books on our level (books we like, can read with 96% percent accuracy, and that we can understand) helps us grow as readers. Many of the books are "Just Right" reads for the kids, and some of them are easy. Easy books are great for building fluency and for working on reading with expression. A short book talk about the Dr. Seuss books was all it took to get students engaged in independent and partner reading focused on fluency, comprehension, and expression.

They are off to a great start this year. I can see a lot of growth happening already. Thank you for your support at home and through We are so glad to have new books in the classroom!!!