Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Wecome to Our Wonderfully Diverse School!

Check out this video, from Creekside's homepage, welcoming everyone to our school!

Happy Spring Break!

I hope you all are enjoying your break! This weather is so beautiful it makes me think of the Chapel Hill 10-Miler that is coming up in a couple weeks. Here's an awesome video that shows the course. You still have time to sign up. I would love to see you out there on April 18th!

Tarheel 10 Miler from Flyboy Aerial Photography on Vimeo.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

March is Read Aloud Month!

In our busy lives it is easy to push reading aloud to the back burner. We must remember what a gift we give our children when we read aloud to them. Like Jim Trelease says,"The best S.A.T. prep course is to read to your children when they're little." Our kids are still little. Let's read!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Stay Warm and Read!!!

I hope everyone is enjoying the unplanned break! Hopefully you had a chance to sled safely and maybe even make a snowman. Now, it's time to sit back, relax, and READ!!! Grab a great book and get started. Here are my latest recommendations...

Ready, Freddy! #3: Homework Hassles
Ready Freddy! Homework Hassles (Quick read...less than an hour)

Image result for where the red fern grows
Where the Red Fern Grows (Great read-aloud for mature 3rd graders and up)

Image result for charlie and the chocolate factory book
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (another great read-aloud and perfect for 3rd graders to read to themselves)

Image result for the little house in the big woods
Little House in the Big Woods

Image result for island of the blue dolphins
Island of the Blue Dolphins (my son's 2nd favorite book)

If you read any of these books, let me know! I would love to hear your reactions. What are you reading? Do you have any recommendations to share with our class? Happy reading!!!